Friday, August 3, 2007

School marks end of Esperanza program with celebration

Above, an Esperanza student celebrates winning the musical chair contest during the finale of the program held at Hope Academy Lincoln Park in Cleveland.

Program helps Spanish-speaking families

Hope Academy and Esperanza Inc. staffers marked the end of a five-week 2007 Prime Time for Reading Summer Camp and Hope Academy's H.E.L.P. program at Hope Academy Lincoln Park in Cleveland with a celebration.

The program reached out to about 25 students a day between kindergarten and seventh-grade.

The program was designed to give intensive summer training to children of Spanish-speaking families in Cleveland.

In addition, Spanish culture was taught during the program.

Xenaunjriyah Piskac, 7, of Cleveland, left, won a first-place HELP achievement award for best attendance and most improvement, while Elimar Velez, 6, of Cleveland, won second place.

Allan Velez, 9, of Cleveland, stands with Jazmin Ruiz, 9 of Cleveland. The two were honored at the Esperanza program held at Hope Academy Lincoln Park. Allan won for academic achievement and Jazmin won for best behavior.

Students laugh while playing "Hot Potato" during the program.

A teacher smiles while answering a student's question.

Hope Academy teacher Sami Roman makes a point during a class.

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